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Museum Collections Mexico MO

Museum Collections

Unique to the Historical Society are several interesting collections significant to the citizens of the county. These collections range from dolls to military uniforms to priceless equestrian memorabilia, including ribbons, trophies and other mementos from the illustrious career of Tom Bass. Many of these collections contain unique items you will not find anywhere else in the world.

Tom BassTom Bass Collection

The American Saddlebred Horse Museum houses the largest display of Tom Bass memorabilia in the country. Items include: hundred’s of ribbons, photos, saddle of Bell Beach, riding habit, and numerous other items. Also included is the burial site of famous show horse, Rex McDonald, the King of Kings – the greatest of champions, who was raised and shown out of Audrain County for most of his career.

George Caleb Bingham Steel Engraving Prints

Stump Speaking
The Voting Place
Martial Law

Three-face stemware

The collection consists of over 200 three-face stemware and was given by daughters of Mrs. A.P. Green. This collection includes: wine, water, champagne, candy dishes, cake plate, kerosene lamps, salts, and more.

The Creasey Doll Collection

The Creasey Doll Collection was the gift of the late Mr. & Mrs. Roy Creasey, in memory of their daughter, Rosemary. There are more than 400 dolls in this unique collection. Mr. Creasey, an executive of the A.P. Green Company, brought many of the dolls to his daughter from his travels around the world.

1904 Stained Glass Triptych

The Hoxsey Hotel, built by Mr. Thomas J. “TJ” Hoxsey, welcomed guests from 1904-1980. He traveled to the St Louis World’s Fair in 1904 and purchased these beautiful stained glass windows. He installed them between the lobby and dining room as the finishing touch to his new hotel design.

These windows have miraculously survived two fires. In 1912, the Hoxsey Hotel was gutted and rebuilt, but it couldn’t survive another inferno in 1980. The stained glass windows were removed by owners Marvin “Bob” and Joyce Stevenson and donated 42 years later to the ACHS by their son Mark and his wife Harley. Their beauty has endured for over 120 years.

Music Boxes

Edison Phonograph from 1902
18th century inlaid music box
Regina 1897 music box

Library Volumes

Audrain County Histories, 1884-Present
Audrain County Atlases
Audrain County Plat Books
Audrain County Cemetery Records
DAR (Daughters of American Revolution), Linage Books
City of Mexico Directories
City of Mexico Telephone Directories, 1884-Present
Various Family Histories
Mexico and Community R-6 High School Year Books
Missouri Military Academy Year Books